between us some sickpoeple also we know they 'll die but when that happen we feel so hard and big broken in our heart why?
why when they r between us we ask from Allah to mercy them from they sick and when that happen we cry too much like anyone do before why?
why when this persone feel more sick u wich to this pain something u can tauch it to kill it or take it out from this persone why?
why when we r cry we feel something big remove from our heart why?
why when the persone die we feel he/ she was soooo wonderfull and know one like him/her why?
why when this persone die we remmber every thing he make it or he said it why?
why we remmber our conversation and every look to us why?
sorry if i make u cry or remmber someone but if u do ask for him /her mercy and read openning of quran or pray for him/her maybe allah w'll put it in his/her good things
الله ما ارحمنا و اعفو عنا واغفر لنا وارحمنا يا ارحم الرحمين اللهم ما اجعل اخر كلمتنا فى الدنيا لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله اللهم لا تجعل الدنيا اكبر همنا واجعل قبورنا روضه من الجنه واجعلها واسعه ولا تضيقها علينا يارب العالمين اللهم اجعلنا من الذين ياخذون كتابهم بيمينهم واحشرنا مع الابرار والانبياء والصالحين
امين يارب العالمين